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What’s ‘Extended Photography’?

Our website uses both photographs & computer-assisted images, and we call this technique “Extended Photography”.

For example, starting with a photograph from one of our recent trade-show events: here is a corner pipe-and-drape booth setup.

We can use computer-assisted imagery to extend beyond our photograph’s borders, to add 100%-digital people, signage, and more.

By combining our own photos with computer-assisted extensions, we can depict a variety of scenarios for our products, while still maintaining client privacy.

Trade Show Drapes Extended Photography
Trade Show Drapes Booth Photograph

We Start With A Photo

This photo represents the event as it was on the day we took it with our smartphone.

We deliberately framed the photo to only showcase the booth that we, Trade Show Drapes, set up.

By capturing specific, close-up photos of our work, we protect our clients’ privacy, as well as the privacy of attendees who might inadvertently appear in our photographs.

Our photo is useful for some purposes, but a close-up image can’t convey the scope of its environment…

Then We Extend The Borders

There are times when we’ll want to extend the borders of the close-up photo we took.

With computer-assistance, we can expand our original photograph to include surrounding elements, such as larger convention spaces, multiple rows of booths, & potential attendees.

Our use of enhanced imagery aids our clients with better visualizing the full scope of our trade-show-booth setups, relative to how their event could look with our services.

Via our use of Extended Photography we can quickly communicate ideas with you, our client, enabling us to better visualize your perfect event.

Trade Show Drapes Booth Photograph + Extension